I'm a Javascript Developer, I am looking for efficiency, effectiveness of all my programs , I'm using mostly for dynamic Web App REACT JS and NEXT JS for frontend and NODE JS for serverside







About me

I am looking for the responsiveness of my web apps

I'm Emadisson Nirina Johannès Loick and I'm 18 years old. I'm a Javascript Fullstack developer and mostly I use modern technologies to make my applications efficient, fast and dynamic . I have a minimum of experience in web development because now I'm in License 1 and I will pass in License 2 in next year. Now , I study in ISPM Antsobolo where I discover and learn new thing about IT development.

My studies

The path that I have crossed

High School grade

I obtained my Bacc series D in 2023 at Les Bambinos II Avaratana Mamba high school. I have already considered the programmation branch since high school since it fascinated me. I' m not the best in this domain but I try to follow my dream , my path.

University License 1

I chose ISPM Antsobolo to continue my studies in programming. I learned a lot of things in L1, more precisely the basics of the coding game by carrying out a few projects, then I decided to deepen web programming

My technos

The langage I use mostly

React js

The ultimate and popular Javascript Framework for the frontend to build a powerful view

Next js

Next.js enables to create full-stack Web applications by extending the latest React features

Node js

Framework javascript for the serverside, for a flexible and powerful backend able to easy connect to Database